Hello everyone, and welcome to another spoiler!

Spoiler season is my absolute favourite time of the year, with some cards getting talked about more in one day than they will for years to come! Nothing better.

Today I have the exciting privilege (shoutout to Alec) to share a brand new Limit Break card!

Tenzen continues the trend seen with the new Warrior of Light (24-120R), in giving job support as a mono-colour LB card. Tenzen is pretty clearly designed to be a closer for an archetype that has been out of favour for a few sets, and has the potential to threaten guaranteed lethal on a lot of sticky boards. The cost is not cheap, however due to the regular play patterns of LB, your opponent must respect it and plan for it until your LB has already been spent, presenting a way of forcing your opponents to hold answers for Tenzen against a board of samurais, and leaving you with the option of casting it or not!

In a limited sense, at time of writing we have only seen one other samurai this set, which hurts, but a “5cp” 9k brave is not nothing in a sealed or draft environment.

Overall, seems like a reasonable beater! What do you think about niche decks getting support through direct LB printings, is this an interesting design space for you? Please let me know, and enjoy Hidden Legends!